Monday, 1 October 2012

Selkirk Bannock (almost)

One day I'll manage to get hold of some old boards, nice plates and cutlery for these photos. It's a bit off-putting when all you have is a few odds and ends you have to somehow arranged in a square foot or so on a counter.

Selkirk Bannock is a traditional Scottish bread made with a lot of raisins, similar to or sometimes compared to fruitcake. I say that this is almost Selkirk Bannock because we didn't have many raisins and the only sultanas I found probably needed to be chucked out sometime last year, so this was made with fruit mix. So really it's more like a yeast fruit cake.
It's a really delicious, comforting bake, beautiful with butter (and perhaps turned into toast. I'm not sure on the traditions of serving it if I'm honest). Again this was something else I made for my mum, who's remarkably fond of her fruit cake, fruit loaf, and all things bread and raisin-y. It went down very well too.

Recipe as follows (again from BBC GoodFood):

7g fast-action yeast
1 tsp caster sugar
500g strong white flour
140g unsalted butter, melted and cooled
450g sultanas/raisins
50g brown sugar

milk for glazing

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